Get Smarter About SPF

We’ve all gotten better about wearing sunscreen during the summer, but there is still room for improvement. Sunscreen is recommended for ALL skin tones. While it’s true that UVB rays (the ones that cause sunburns) are not as strong during cooler months, “UVA rays, which go deeper and are largely responsible for skin aging, are strong all year,” says Leslie Baumann, M.D., a dermatologist in Miami. Both forms cause cancer–and sun damage is cumulative. “Think of your skin as a glass of water constantly being filled,” suggest Dr. Zeichner. “When the glass overflows, that represents developing skin cancer.” Even the short exposure you get while grabbing your morning coffee can add up over time. So apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen (the only kind that protects from UVA and UVB) all year long. Try La Roche-Posay Anthelios Ultra Light SPF 60 Sunscreen Lotion Spray, which also contains a powerful antioxidant complex to protect skin from free radicals. –Prevention Magazine, Own Your Age, December 2020

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