Graced for Purpose

My life has been filled with joy, disappointment, anticipation, fulfillment, and adventure for over six decades. I am a proud native of Hotlanta. It has taken me many twists and turns in life to find out who I really am. No matter where life has taken me, I have found that I am resilient—strong like the palm tree.
During the early season of my life, I would go into a secret place (within myself) to survive. I was very anxious, insecure, and introverted as a result of the alcoholism and domestic violence that plagued my family life. This secret place was created for me by God before I really knew him—the secret place helped me to thrive and survive. I found the Lord for myself at the age of 30 years old.

My father, the source of my childhood distress, was the person who urged me to seek the Lord. I am thankful for his wisdom. I also must pay homage to my mother who was my hero and source of strength. She made so many sacrifices for me and my brothers, without her I would not be the person I am today. I strive to be my best self to honor my parents’ legacy.

My journey, past and present, has included reaching educational goals, marriage, children, a career, serving my parents and community, enjoying my grandchildren, and striving to know thy true self. I retired from one career in 2019 only to start another; each day in my life is an adventure; and I’m still trying to get it right through lifelong learning in the areas of health and wellness, my spiritual walk, and overall lifestyle enrichment.

This year (2021) my husband and I will be celebrating 40 years of marriage. We have experienced joy and pain throughout the years but have been determined to fulfill the covenant we committed to so many years ago. We feel that marriage is the lifeline that is missing within the African American community. The family structure has undeniable strength when there are a father and mother in the household. For those women who are interested in getting married, I hope to share life lessons to strengthen the journey.

So, as I begin this new journey (with the Holy Spirit’s guidance), I hope that I can share information that will complement the lives of my readers. I want you to live a fulfilled life by experiencing the goodness of God and enjoying your everyday life. Come go with me as I continue this amazing journey.

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