Real Life–Real Truths

The purpose of writing my blog is to impart wisdom from past experiences to young women. It is my hope that by sharing some of my experiences, others will benefit and shorten their learning curve. It has taken several decades for me to realize the importance of consistently spending quality time with the Lord.  I would get so lazy early in the morning and so busy throughout the day or so tired in the evening, I would not spend quiet time with the Lord. I would cherish sleep more than spending time with the Lord. I would say I am too busy to sit still.  I would get bored with sitting still—I would just make up all kinds of excuses.  Although, I could find time to express my desires and dreams.  As I am writing, I must repent for being so disobedient and selfish. 

I still do not have it all together.  I have more time to read the Bible, pray and spend quality time with the Lord.  I even have time to get additional sleep after waking up early to meditate and pray.  But still I struggle with maintaining a routine meditation, praise and worship schedule.  So, rather than dwell on what I am not doing—I chose to focus on what I am doing.  Let’s do positive self-talk.  I have learned that this is how the Father operates as well.  He loves me unconditionally—he knows all my faults—he knows all my thoughts—he knows my heart.  I have decided to talk with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit all day.

You might ask, how can you do that? I talk in the shower, throughout the house, in the car, while walking, shopping, and wherever I am.  It is not necessary to be in a specific place to have these special and intimate conversations. I listen to inspirational music and messages. I also work hard at being quiet too throughout the day.  As women, we love to talk, but you must listen as well and you must be quiet to hear the still small voice that speaks from within.

Since I am not a morning person, this type of dialogue works well for me.  However, I have found that quiet time early in the morning, around 5AM, before the day gets hectic or problems arise—I obtain the strength to tackle the world with clarity in thought and the way in which I complete tasks. Try meditating on the Word each day, along with praise and worship, and see what a difference it makes. These routines are more important than exercise, checking social media, or worrying.  Spending time with Jesus is like touching base with a significant other who knows all your concerns, needs, and desires. The difference is—he is the only one who can help you fulfill your purpose.

During the 3AM-6AM spiritual morning watch, this is the time to put on the full armor of God. What is the full armor? I am happy you asked! Read Ephesians 6:10-20  |  God’s Word is an indispensable weapon, it provides wisdom and knowledge for your everyday life. Attach it to your heart and mind. In the same way, prayer is essential—pray throughout the day. To keep it simple, read a daily devotional. I have included one recommendation on my Books page. Try my advice for one week and see what happens!

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