Always Use Wisdom

My 40th wedding anniversary is approaching fast. It seems like yesterday when we were dating, thinking about college and making career plans. My, how time moves quickly!  I am happy and blessed to have reached this anniversary milestone.  We will be traveling to the Turks & Caicos for a week in August to celebrate. We are getting creative and working with the hotel staff to plan special moments that will be remembered for a lifetime.

Thank God for his covenant with us and for allowing us to remain husband and wife. Over the years as you mature, it is challenging to keep your relationship fresh as well as your heart pure and strong.  The seasons in life which have included:  raising children, career challenges, being caregivers for parents, deaths, moving, personal health challenges, retirement planning, and on and on have been fertile ground to destroy a marriage.  All of this stuff—called life—has helped me to make the necessary adjustments to strengthen my marriage.  However, it has not been easy!  It is easy to give up on life and your relationship, but it takes strength and courage to never give up.

A Proverbs 31 wife knows what to do when things get rough—you must pray and be adaptable.   Use these principles to change the atmosphere:  1) You must know thyself and be confident that all challenges can be resolved (with God’s help);  2) Meditate on God’s word and he will provide what is needed—wisdom to face every challenge;  3) Do not compromise on who God made you to be—uniquely you;  4) Love yourself first, so that you can truly love others;  5) Always respect others, so you can demand respect;  6) Be the solution—not the problem;  7) Be a good listener;  8) Search your inner self when problems arise within your relationship—seek to find what you can do differently;  9) Do not judge, criticize or condemn others—allow God to make the necessary adjustments in others;  10) Never give up on strengthening your marriage; and  11) Keep God first place in your life—he is the only one who can resolve all challenges.

Matthew 6:33-34.  But first and most importantly seek (aim at, strive after) His kingdom and His righteous [His way of doing and being right—the attitude and character of God], and all these things will be given to you also. So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

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